Rotarians Represent RCB at 2024 Rotary International Convention
Members of the Rotary Club of Birmingham and Rotaract Club of Birmingham at the RI Convention
Several Rotarians represented the Rotary Club of Birmingham (RCB) at the 2024 Rotary International Convention in Singapore May 25th-29th. The convention theme centered on fostering understanding and highlighted Rotary’s history of promoting peace.
In attendance were RCB President Gordon Martin, Rotarians Graham Boettcher, Farah Sultan, Will Ratliff and his wife Carolyn, Jeris Gaston and her son Hayes, Past President Sanjay Singh and his wife Dora, and a strong delegation of Rotaract members.
RCB continued its tradition of holding a cocktail reception for international friends and Rotary leaders at the conference. In attendance were past Rotary International presidents, members of the Board of Directors as well as leaders of the Rotary Foundation.
Gaston, who serves as Chair of the Rotary International Membership Committee, led a presentation on “Rotary, Career, and Family: A Winning Combination.”
We appreciate all of these members for representing RCB at the international level!